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How Addiction Can Impact Relationships

Two people discuss addiction and relationships

Those with a substance use disorder are blind to how their addiction is affecting themselves and their friends and family. Addiction and relationships have a close connection that you need to understand if you or a loved one struggles with addiction and whose relationships are at risk of falling apart. Reports show that those with an alcohol use disorder have a higher rate of divorce when compared to those who do not abuse drugs or alcohol.1

Roaring Brook Recovery supports individuals who are struggling with an addiction to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, or other harmful substances. Our team is well aware of the devastating effects addiction has on relationships and works with participants and their families to create an all-encompassing recovery experience. Programs are available in person at our discreet facility or through telehealth services.

To see how our family therapy can benefit your relationships, call 855.590.9944 today to schedule a consultation.

The Connection Between Addiction and Relationships

When a person starts abusing drugs or alcohol, it takes a while before their abuse starts causing any problems in the relationship. These changes are hard to spot because of the slow progression and the person’s attempt to hide the disease. Our misunderstanding of addiction has made some people feel ashamed, which further fuels the abuse.

Abusing drugs or alcohol causes chemical changes in your system that create a physical need to continue using, even at the risk of your health. It’s like having someone shouting in your ears, drowning out all other voices, to the point where their cravings completely consume you.

Here are some of the signs that indicate a relationship is affected by addiction:

  • Your partner becomes evasive or lies about their whereabouts and actions
  • You find unknown cash withdrawals, and your partner does not explain them
  • A gradual change in their behaviors, becoming more secretive and evasive
  • You argue more than communicate
  • Your partner starts becoming more violent or abusive
  • Becoming upset, angry, or aggressive when asked about their substance abuse

A common symptom of alcohol use disorder is more aggressive and violent tendencies and behaviors.

Roaring Brook can help you and your loved ones impacted by addiction and need help saving their relationship and their loved ones. Our emphasis is on repairing fractures in the relationship and teaching everyone healthy relationship traits and how to create a supportive and nurturing home environment.

Family and Substance Abuse Therapy Programs

Those living with addiction know that there is no permanent cure, but there are several ways that they can build a healthy and sober lifestyle that includes nurturing relationships. It takes a combined effort, including behavioral and holistic therapies, relationship therapy, and medical support.

Relationship Counseling

A necessary part of addiction recovery involves repairing broken trust and fractured relationships. Therapists work closely with spouses, parents, children, and close friends who were personally affected by the substance abuse. They work through any lingering issues in a safe space while working to restore the relationship and show everyone how it will take all of them to support lifelong recovery.

Behavioral and Holistic Therapies

Addiction has a direct impact on our behaviors and personality and can make people act uncharacteristically. Their withdrawals and cravings push them to continue the abuse at all costs, even if they have a strong desire to quit or their health is at risk. Behavioral therapists work one-on-one with each participant to uncover their personal triggers and develop healthy coping skills instead of giving in to their cravings.

Holistic therapies such as nutrition education, exercise, yoga, and meditation have proven to positively affect the recovery process. They help participants develop healthy life skills that promote long-lasting sobriety, better communication skills, and a healthier state of mind.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Participants can improve their chances of recovery by using FDA-approved medication that reduces withdrawals, cravings, and other troubling symptoms related to the addiction. Participants will be given medication based on their individual needs and monitored throughout the program. As their symptoms begin to fade, they will start tapering down the amount of medication until no longer necessary.

While addiction and relationships are like oil and water, it is possible to bring back trust, respect, and love into the relationship. Couples and families will work together to bring about positive changes and stronger relationships.

Enroll in Family Therapy Today at Roaring Brook Recovery

Roaring Brook is a full-service treatment facility that welcomes all adults who are ready to break their addiction and live a healthy and sober life. We build each program around the participant’s unique circumstances that started the addiction to create a whole-person treatment plan, including separate men’s and women’s programs, behavioral and holistic therapies, and family therapy/relationship counseling.

To discover the benefits of our family and substance abuse therapy programs, call 855.590.9944 or use our online contact form today to schedule a tour and begin a healing journey.


1. National Library of Medicine