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Managing Social Anxiety

woman pulling back curtain and wondering about social anxiety

There are many different types of anxiety that can impact your day-to-day life. While everyone experiences anxiety to some degree, social anxiety is a unique form of it. Social anxiety can be described as an intense fear of social situations that could lead to humiliation, embarrassment, or judgment. This fear is so strong that it can interfere with everyday life and activities such as going to work or engaging in social activities.

For those who struggle with social anxiety, anxiety treatment in Kentucky at Roaring Brook Recovery can help. Our addiction treatment center helps those who struggle with both substance use issues and mental health concerns. Call 855.590.9944 today to get started.

What Is Social Anxiety?

The official diagnosis of social anxiety disorder is a type of intense and persistent fear or worry about social settings. This could include public speaking, meeting new people, or engaging in general conversations. It is thought that people with social anxiety disorder have an overly sensitive fear response, which causes them to feel anxious or stressed in these situations.

Social anxiety can manifest itself in several ways. Symptoms of social anxiety include:

  • Avoiding activities or situations that could lead to embarrassment
  • Trouble managing interactions with others
  • Physical symptoms such as increased heart rate or sweating
  • Fear of being judged by others
  • Fear of speaking in public
  • Difficulty making conversation

While these symptoms can seem daunting, there are many ways to manage social anxiety and lead a more fulfilling life.

How to Manage Social Anxiety

The good news is that there are ways to manage social anxiety. Here are five tips for managing social anxiety:

  1. Acknowledge your feelings – It’s important to recognize and acknowledge your feelings of anxiety in order to process them in a healthy way. Label the emotions you are feeling and allow yourself to feel them without judgment.
  2. Find a support system – Having a group of friends, family members, or even a therapist to talk to can be incredibly helpful in managing social anxiety. Having someone to talk to can help alleviate the feelings of isolation and distress that often come with social anxiety.
  3. Learn relaxation techniques – Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery can help to reduce stress and tension.
  4. Practice positive self-talk – People with social anxiety often have negative beliefs about themselves, which can lead to further anxiety. Practicing positive self-talk can help to shift your mindset and reduce the intensity of anxious thoughts.
  5. Reach out for professional help – If you find yourself unable to cope with your social anxiety, professional help is available. An anxiety treatment program can help you work through your social anxiety and teach you the skills needed to manage it.

Lasting recovery is possible. Those who struggle with both social anxiety and substance use issues can find targeted support in a dual diagnosis program. This approach involves treating both mental health and substance use concerns at the same time in order to reduce the risk of relapse and increase the chances of long-term recovery.

Find Help and Healing at Roaring Brook Recovery

There’s a future waiting where you can finally find the healing you need. At Roaring Brook Recovery, we offer comprehensive addiction and mental health treatment services to those in Kentucky who are struggling with substance use and mental health issues. We offer a safe, supportive environment for those in need to heal from their addiction and learn new skills to manage their mental health. If social anxiety is a concern, our specialized treatment programs can provide the care you need to find lasting recovery.

Take the first step on your journey towards recovery by calling 855.590.9944 today.